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Upcoming Gigs


 18 Aout 21h

Broc'en Blanche

Rue du Carouge 91
Rez: 022 320 48 70
Samedi, 26 Octobre
Café du Tessin
Place du Rondeau 5, Carouge

Reservations: 022-342-3109

To contact Malcolm and book a show just 
say hello!

Do you want to book Malcolm and/or Vagamundo for a show, get news about future shows,  or just get in touch? Please use this form and put in the subject line "booking" or "news" or "just saying hi" in the subject heading. This will help us weed out the massive amounts of spam we get. Thanks!

Fill out the contact form and we'll get you rolling

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  • Blanc Icône iTunes
  • Blanc Bandcamp Icône
  • Blanc Icône Deezer

Fill out the contact form and we'll get you rolling

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